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Do You Really Need to Invest in B2B Content Marketing?

Or can you get the same results without it?

11 min readJul 21, 2021


What’s the most useful thing you saw online lately? A YouTube tutorial? A blog post that clearly explained something you’ve been trying to figure out? An inspirational story your friend posted to Facebook?

How did you get to the video and the blog? Odds are, you typed a phrase into Google. Long before that, though, someone put in the work to understand what people were searching for. Then they created the most useful content possible on the topic.

Why did you see the inspirational Facebook post from your friend? Probably because you’ve clicked on, commented on or liked their posts before, so Facebook knows to show you more from this person.

And guess what? It’s all content! Though it might not all be content marketing.

What is content marketing, anyway?

This is my favorite definition:

Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.



Alyssa Greenfield

Thought leadership strategist and ghostwriter for startup founders | Sharing content that supports fundraising, team building and customer acquisition